Self Conscious vs Self-Aware

In this episode of the Deconstruction podcast, I got the immense privilege of talking with Bhikshuni Lozang Yönten. Yönten is an American-born Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition who has been practising for over 26 years. Yöngten has trained under amazing teachers like Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering. She has taught all over the world, including Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Israel. Currently, Ven. Yönten divides her time as a touring teacher and retreat leader, as well as annually offering the Buddhadharma from a secular perspective in Israel as a member of the Buddhist faculty for a seven-year post graduate program called Human Spirit which is a Buddhist Psychoanalytic Training Program.  With that amazing resume, we talked about how to ground and centre ourselves in order to best serve the world. Discussing the many intersections of Psychology and Buddhism, I had an excellent time conversing with this wise soul.

To find more about them:

Instagram: Ven. Yöngten


Integrating Buddhism


Should We Anthropomorphize God